Change Your Stars Student Outreach Program and the Power of One

On our first visit to Oprra National High School in Cebu, Philippines, we were introduced to a teacher named Bien Estrada. He was looking for funding to purchase smart TVs for the school and a refrigerator for the school’s feeding center. He knew every detail about the high school and had a passion for making life better for his students. We could see that Bien cared deeply and was committed to doing what was necessary to get the job done, whether that was finding sponsors for food and equipment, or spending hours helping a student in need.

During one of our visits to Oprra National High School, we learned the dropout rate for grades 7-11 increased by 10% each year. Without education, these kids would likely not have the tools necessary to improve their lives. Change Your Stars Foundation started a Student Outreach Program aimed at reducing the number of students dropping out. Bien was hired to manage the program and immediately went to work contacting students who had left school, with the hope of bringing a few back. Bien visited over 25 homes; he spent time with each family and student to learn their story and specific needs. He encouraged them to come to school and helped them push through barriers. When the new school year started, 17 re-enrolled students who had dropped out 1-5 years earlier were there. Over the next several months, Bien continued to spend one-on-one time with them, helping however he could. When Change Your Stars visited with the students, we asked who inspired them or who their hero was. The answer was consistently Mr. Estrada. Bien is the perfect example of someone who inspires and empowers others so they can improve. Because of him, there are 17 more students who have the tools and education to improve their lives.

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